Engaging Leader.

Passionate Coach.

Compelling Speaker.

Helping women rise above their trauma and choose courage so they can fearlessly own their voices, have the careers they want and deserve, and live their lives with unwavering confidence.

About Claudia

Claudia is a Coach, Live TV personality, and Motivational Speaker who works with businesses and individuals to identify confidence crushers and uncover how they will often hold back personal and professional success. Claudia provides fool-proof and engaging ways to show how past trauma can affect our current confidence, reduce and eliminate impostor syndrome, and communicate more effectively, allowing increased confidence and more self-esteem, which translates into happier, more successful, and more productive individuals.

With over ten years of experience creating and presenting corporate trainings and continuing education, the ability to make meaningful connections with audiences, and a tenacious desire to help people drop their self-doubt in favor of unwavering confidence, Claudia knows how to command a stage or a classroom, connect with a crowd, and provide workable action steps that will leave the audience eager and able to make positive changes in their lives. Claudia’s keen ability to connect with others to learn and understand motivations and needs leads to increased productivity and stronger team dynamics. 

Claudia’s humor, sarcasm, and ability to be open and vulnerable about her own experiences immediately creates trust with the audience and makes them feel like they’re chatting with an old friend. Claudia captivates groups from the moment she takes the floor, and her tried-and-true techniques empower individuals immediately, providing them the buy-in they need to continue to do the work to create their best and most confident selves.


Confidence Catalyst Consultant

Do you feel like life is passing you by because you don't have the confidence to speak up, stand out, and shine? Do you feel like you're wearing a mask and just waiting for everyone to discover you're a fraud? Are you unhappy with your current job or feel like you deserve a raise or promotion, but you don't know how to show your worth?

My Confidence Catalyst Master Plan helps identify the sources of low confidence, or what I like to call confidence crushers. Together, we address these confidence crushers with intensive 1-1 coaching that will give you improved confidence, ability to communicate more effectively, and increased opportunities in life.

Podcast Host

Strong Enough Podcast was created in 2021. Claudia brings guests who have a story to share about a trauma or challenge they have experienced and how they maneuvered to triumph. The show serves to provide individuals the opportunity to share their story, as well as the opportunity for listeners to know they are not alone, and they are strong enough to prevail.

Keynote Speaker

Unparalleled Expertise: Claudia boasts an impressive background in corporate training, continuing education, and speaking on a variety of subject matters, along with practical experience in the field of confidence and communication. Her in-depth knowledge and understanding of these topics make her the perfect choice to guide your audience towards lasting change.

Inspiring Transformation: Claudia's presentations are not just about delivering information but creating a transformative experience for her audience. She brings a unique blend of empathy, compassion, vulnerability, and unwavering support that fosters a safe space for individuals to open up and confront their challenges head-on.

Real-life Strategies: Unlike many speakers, Claudia doesn't believe in superficial quick fixes. Her approach is grounded in real-life strategies and techniques that are easy to implement and have proven to be highly effective in helping individuals identify and eliminate Impostor Syndrome once and for all.

Empowering Your Team: Lack of confidence can be a significant obstacle to productivity and teamwork in any organization. Claudia's expertise will not only empower individuals to overcome this hurdle, but she will also provide tools and insights to foster a more positive and collaborative work environment, which helps both the employees and the employer.

Personal Touch: Claudia tailors her talks to the unique needs of your audience, ensuring her message resonates deeply with each individual. Whether addressing a small team or a large conference, she has a remarkable ability to connect with her audience on a personal level, leaving a lasting impact.

Proven Results: Countless individuals have already benefited from Claudia's guidance, reporting enhanced self-confidence, improved performance, and a newfound sense of purpose. Her track record of success speaks volumes about the value she brings to those who seek her expertise.

Lasting Impact: Claudia's presentations aren't just a one-time motivational boost. She equips her audience with tools and strategies that they can carry with them throughout their personal and professional journeys. The positive impact of her talks continues to reverberate long after the event.

Claudia's extensive knowledge, genuine passion, and proven track record in helping individuals understand how past experiences can affect their current confidence make her an ideal choice as your next speaker. With her guidance, your audience will gain the confidence and clarity they need to embrace their true potential and achieve unprecedented success. Don't miss the opportunity to empower your team with Claudia's transformative insights!


So impressive, and Claudia’s presentation skills are amazing. Claudia has a God-given gift from her journey to get her here.

- Joe S.

This was fantastic! This was all so helpful. I really connected with these techniques.

- Rachel E.

I actually didn’t know what Impostor Syndrome was until Claudia explained it to me. She noticed something I mentioned about anxiety and realized that it was actually Impostor Syndrome impacting me both personally and professionally. After learning and implementing her techniques to eliminate Impostor Syndrome, I am happier, more confident, and feel like I’m making a bigger impact at work and in my marriage.

- Russell L.


How do I know if confidence coaching is right for me?

Confidence coaching is beneficial for individuals who experience low self-esteem, are unable to express themselves, and fear having to speak out in a group setting, like a work meeting. If you're feeling stuck, uncertain about your goals, facing challenges in your current role, or looking to maximize your potential, confidence coaching can provide clarity, guidance, and actionable strategies tailored to your unique situation. Please note- confidence coaching is NOT therapy and is not meant to replace therapy.

How many sessions of confidence coaching do I need to see results?

The Confidence Catalyst Master Plan consists of eight modules, with each module addressing a different topic. While results are often seen after just the first module, the master plan is a comprehensive program that requires completion of all modules for optimal success.

What results can I expect to see with The Confidence Catalyst Master Plan?

The Confidence Catalyst Master Plan can provide a wide array of life-changing results, including the following:

Increased confidence

Increased self-esteem

Better communication skills

Increased career opportunities

Increased resilience

Better goal-setting

I want to be on your podcast. What do I do?

Great! Contact me via email with a few sentences about why you believe you'll be a great guest.

Are you available for my speaking engagement?

Let's find out! Send me an email with the location, dates, and a few details, and someone from my team will get back to you.

Get In Touch

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